Ozubulu, the headquarters of Ekwusigo Local Government in Anambra State lies between latitude 59500 (557’0.00) (North) and longitude 68500 (650’600.000) (East). A major town strategically located within the angular intersection of Nnewi/ Owerri Road and Onitisha / Owerri Expressway tells the story of the power of a resilient indigenous community effort towards the potential realization of a modern industrialized city ready to compete effectively in our globalized world. This is a bold and supreme promise made to Ozubulu by all Ozubulu indigenes; home and abroad in our noble ambition to excel in all spheres of human endeavors and to bring the benefits accrued thereof back to Ozubulu, our happy home. Ozubulu is a town endowed with vast human and material resources, and these have continued to play a pivotal role in engendering a sustainable community development agenda under the indefatigable leadership of Ozubulu Development Union (ODU).
The beautiful natural topography of Ozubulu, with streams and rivers, hills and valleys, forests and farmlands, modern homes and amenities, laced with a rich cultural heritage and noble ancient traditions make Ozubulu a desirable and prime destination in the hearts and minds of all Ozubulu citizens, in-laws, friends and well-wishers throughout the world, especially during Christmas periods and other times of festivities. The unsurpassed dedication to the collective yearnings and aspirations of all Ozubulu indigenes, and especially the resilience and the steadfastness of Ozubulu youths, has the potential of transforming our beloved home town into the league of major modern cities in Nigeria, in the very near future.
The population of Ozubulu has been estimated at over a quarter of a million strong and growing rapidly. Currently, the population has been projected at over half a million with the unprecedented influx of people as a result of the recent designation of Ozubulu as the headquarters of Ekwusigo Local Government Area. Ozubulu is made up of four automonous villages namely Amakwa, Egbema, Eziora and Nza in their order of seniority, with Amakwa being the first son or Diokpala. Thus, Amakwa is invested with noble ancient old patrilineal inheritance authority of producing The Obi of Ozubulu (a.k.a The Igwe of Ozubulu), the traditional ruler and royal father of the Ancient Kingdom of Ozubulu. Each autonomous village is administered by its own Obi, which is also a royal patriarchal inheritance. Thus, the Obi-In-Council is the highest ruling body that administers Ozubulu and is headed by our royal father (His Royal Highness Igwe Fidelis Nnamdi Oruche, Eze Ugodinaobi, Okeife II, The Obi of Ozubulu), along with designated Obi of each of the autonomous villages, and high chiefs namely the Ichies and the Agbalanzes. The sheer size and governance / administrative structure of the four autonomous villages of Ozubulu informed the location and establishment of a Customary Court at Ugwuorie, Amakwa, Ozubulu by the then colonial District Officer, to serve the four autonomous communities, a fit reserved only for highly populated urban cities. The ancient town of Ozubulu is endowed with highly industrious, hospitable and generous people and high achievers in the field of education, business and government service with an unwavering love for God and for their neighbors. Before the advent of European Christian Missionaries, majority of Ozubulu people were proud adherents of our indigenous African Traditional Religion (ATR) rooted in our noble cultural heritage and belief system enshrined in the omnipotent presence of a supreme being, Chi. Following a widespread conversion to Christianity in the last one hundred years, the majority of our people became Christian converts, while an estimated 5% of the populations are still holding on to ATR, our rich traditional religious heritage
As we continue to pray and ask Almighty God for protection and guidance for the town Ozubulu and its people we as a people will continue to develop our individual talents and strength believing that our “Chi” is always there for us.